iZip Support & FAQ
Last updated: 15 March 2025.
Latest versions
macOS | v5.0.53 (12 Jan 2025) |
Mac App Store | v5.0 (11 Jan 2025) |
Windows PC | v1.0.12 (27 Oct 2023) |
Are you running the latest version of iZip?
Please update to the latest version before contacting us as your issue may already be resolved.
iZip Classic is considered legacy software and no longer maintained but we may be able to assist if you've previously purchased a license.
How do I zip and unzip files on my Mac with iZip?
Please see https://izip.com/zip-rar-for-mac for a quick guide.
How do I make a 7z archive on my Mac with iZip?
Please see https://iboostup.com/blog/how-to-make-7z-mac for a quick guide.
System Requirements
macOS (iZip classic) - iZip classic works on macOS 10.10 or newer and requires about 20MB of space.
macOS Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey are supported for users who have registered.
macOS (iZip v4 and above) - The latest version of iZip is a modern 64bit application that requires macOS 11 (Big Sur) or newer and about 10MB of free space. iZip v4+ also natively supports Macs with Apple Silicon processors (M1, M1 Pro, M1 Ultra, M2) and macOS Monterey, macOS Ventura.
Windows - We are happy to announce that iZip now also works on Windows PCs.
iZip works on Windows PCs with a 64 bit processor and requires about 7MB of space.
At the moment the iZip for Windows version is distributed for free, exclusively on the Microsoft Store.
Click here for more information.
There is no technical reason preventing support for older versions of Windows, like Windows 7.
Send us an email if you'd like to see a version of iZip made available for Windows 7 and users outside the Microsoft Store.
(macOS) What's the difference between iZip and iZip classic?
iZip classic's code originates from 2010 and while we've been regularly updating it to maintain compatibility with newer versions of macOS, it is no longer feasible for us to do so.
The major maintenance issues with iZip classic are maintaining backwards compatibility with 10+ year old operating systems while constantly updating for modern versions of macOS, and iZip classic's reliance on kernel extensions (which are gradually being made harder to load and work with each new iteration of macOS) to emulate removable disks.
"iZip" (v4 and above) is the current, modern version of iZip that has been completely re-written in 2022 with a focus on speed, reliability, future-OS-compatibilty and support for the most common modern archive formats (e.g RARv5, 7ZIP, etc). This is the recommended variant you should install if your Mac can run Big Sur (macOS 11.00) or above. This version is also about half the size of iZip classic while natively supporting machines with either Intel 64bit or Apple Silicon processors (M1, M1 Pro, M1 Ultra, M2). This latest version of iZip no longer makes archive contents available system-wide by emulating removable storage. We're sad to see this feature go but unfortunately it was no longer tenable. The upside is that removing this allows us to focus on making iZip even better by having a quicker release and update schedule. We have a lot of interesting things planned for iZip that we can now concentrate on instead of low level OS compatibility.
If you've registered iZip, thank you!
Make sure you open the ZIPX registration archive we sent you *with* iZip and not the built-in OS unarchiver.
In case the file type associations to iZip are not yet set, you might need to save the ZIPX from your email program and then open the iZip app, click 'Open' and navigate to the file you saved.
You should also open the ZIPX registration file using the same Mac or PC you purchased on.
Other "iZip" products
You should only ever click a download link for iZip from www.izip.com or www.izip.com/windows
Any iZips you find on the Google Play Store or iTunes are NOT developed by us, they are simply using our name. The software we provide here at iZip.com was the first to use this name. Please don't support others trading off our goodwill.
If you find iZip useful, please purchase a license. This helps us fund continued development.
(macOS: iZip classic) Unable to launch application from archive / application corrupted
Even though iZip makes archives appear as removable disks on your Mac, you should not run software from directly within an archive.
If you've downloaded an archive containing software on your Mac, please drag the .app file out of the archive volume before attempting to launch.
This is not unlike trying to run software directly from a .dmg as opposed to dragging it to /Applications first.
Sharing iZip created archives
The iZip archive Wizard creates modern archives with full unicode support and optional AES-256 encryption.
Most modern operating systems support these types archives with their built-in bare-bones decompressors. When sharing encrypted ZIP files, please make sure to use a strong password.
Recipients running an older OS may need to download iZip or another up-to-date alternative like WinZip/WinRAR/7Zip/iZip for Windows.
iZip is a free download so please tell your contacts to use it too! :)
Built-in file sharing is currently disabled because iZip is no longer associated in any way with files dot com.
(macOS) What is iBoostUp with Spyware Doctor?
iBoostUp can reclaim gigabytes of space on your Mac, improve performance, protect your privacy by scanning for malware and much more!
This software is also developed and distributed by us.
Another way to support continued development of iZip is to use iBoostUp and optionally purchase a license.
Click here to read more about the features in iBoostUp.
Is iBoostUp a legit app for Mac?
Yes iBoostUp is most totally a legit macOS app!
Click here to read more about iBoostUp's credentials and legitimacy.
We aim to satisfy all support requests, but as iZip is a free product we may be unable to reply to each message individually. Priority is given to users who have purchased a license.
The iZip support mail address: